Poems from Kamil Khalil Alvi

Kamil Khalil Alvi's picture
I’m a writer who’s trying to merge the world of fiction and realism. Writing was just a “hobby”. I never thought, I’d create a blog for writing but here I’m. Let me give you a quick sneak peek into my past. I started writing when I was 13, that age when my bottled up feelings and emotions were tangled with the burden of mysteries of this unintelligible world which paved the way of unethical desires and failures. What can I say? One must simply write it out to ease the weight as I did. Looking back over them now, I am amused of all the mistakes I made but also I see a touch of pathos in it all and feel almost tender about it. And I hope it has made me more tolerant and understanding. I come from a very different place called Srinagar, it’s a small city in Kashmir often called as “paradise on Earth”. Currently, I’m a senior in high school and if you’re here to read more of my ramblings and mix of realism and fiction – I’m grateful to you and I hope, I help you feel a little less alone in this world. Do visit my website for more insight into my work https://kamilalvi.com/
I hold love in my outstretched hands, an offering that slips through my fingers each time, the ground at my feet saturated as it pools...
It's one of those nights. Phantoms scratching at the window panes begging to be let in, for me to acknowledge them after being numb for so...
My life is a fever dream. Characters fade in and out, most of whom I'm not sure ever existed in the first place, faint bruises around my...
My whole life is a literary device, metaphorically speaking. Carefully measured syllables and word count, how to say just enough without...
I've travelled a lot, all across the world. Although I've never been outside my homeland. I've never been on a plane, but I've seen oceans...